Saturday, April 28, 2012

Myths and Trends of Modern Families (L1)

This week we talked a lot about the myths and trends of marriage and family. It was interesting to note that we, as Latter Day Saints, are not exempt from these myths or trends. Some of the myths included: opposites attract, people marry because they love each other, having children increases marital satisfaction, a good sex life is the best predictor or marital satisfaction, and happily married people don't have conflict. I laughed that people believed some of these things, but others were easily understood. Some of the trends were: births to unmarried women, cohabitation, delayed marriage, employed marriage, and divorce. We also watched a movie, Demographic Winter, that talked about how many of these trends are leading to a population decline. At first, I didn't think a population decline was such a bad thing. But as we discussed the effects this could have on our world, I began to grasp the importance of having children. Family is an eternal structure. We have an obligation to defend the definition of the family and to continue to have families.

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